Saturday, February 12, 2005
And this is how you lick a cunt

Dear Dr.Laura, I am my aborted baby's Mom. Every mother's day while other mommy's are receiving dried pasta collages or pajamagrams or for the lucky ones, a copy of your new book Woman Power, I am left out in the cold. Just because my baby died, doesn't mean I'm not a mom. I would love so much to purchase one of your hand-crafted necklaces, as a gift to myself this mother's day. You know the ones you sell , where 100% of the profits go to help needy kids who weren't killed by their mommies? You are so good. Dr. Laura. Everyday I thank the lord that you are on this earth to teach us how to be moral and encouraging us to go do the right thing.It is my dream to one day call you and have you judge me.I can only hope that one day I might have a daughter like you, so I can end up rotting in my apartment for days after I die, because she was too sanctimonious to have a relationship with me! God Bless you!